The Sun entered the constellation of the Fishes shortly on March 8 this year, according to the astronomical observations of the sky, as published in Stella Natura 2022 (pub. Camphill Village Kimberton Hills).
Note: The ecliptic constellations that we see as the zodiac from the Earth move about 1 degree every 72 years. While the Sun entered the constellation of the Sea-Goat—known as the sign of the Capricorn—at the Winter Solstice about 2000 years ago, it now enters the Archer, known as the Sagittarius sign. Yet, we’re still used to the Capricorn dates from December 21 to January 20. However, the Sun now visits the constellation of the Sea-Goat around January 20, and then the constellation of the Water-Bearer around February 16, and the constellation of Fishes around March 12. Perhaps some meaning continues to be in the astrological dates for the zodiacal signs. Perhaps we are offered a glimpse into how the human consciousness has progressed when we compare the neighboring zodiacal constellations and their relations to the Sun’s path.

The Sun began its communion with the stars of the Pisces on March 12, 2022, and will shine the light through the feisty magenta of the Fishes through April 19, 2022, according to The Maria Thun Biodynamic Almanac 2022 (pub. Floris Books), and we are thus influenced by the vibrations of the Pisces star group.
What dreams are stirring within you in the final weeks of Winter? The seeds that were planted in the Fall, are now waking up. The farmers know that the small shapes they put into the Earth are not dead matter, even though they may appear as such in their inert form. Each kernel contains all the information needed to manifest into a very specific plant. But the blueprint can only transform into reality if nurtured with proper nutrients and care. Otherwise, the condensed intelligent structure collapses, and the organic matter rots, becoming the soil. Nature knows this, and so do gardeners. Because they listen to the wisdom of the stars.

Pisces, the Explorer of Waters, give us the sound N, formed through the colors of yellow green, blue violet, and soft purple. We can feel the stirrings in Nature, and the changes in the air during the last month of the Winter. The beings in the constellation of Pisces swim around to invigorate the esoteric liquids with eagerness to birth new life.
The movement of the consonant N is bright, but also thoughtful: No, we are not to destroy the bridges to the past; we are encouraged to be in touch with the knowledge gained from the lived experiences. Emotions are processed and elevated into feelings. The essence of the pilgrimage and the wisdom learnt become the honey pot for the Soul’s journey ahead. Respect for the old and gentle anticipation for the new is joyfully expressed in the gesture of N. This is enhanced by the gesture of Pisces, which connects the still unconscious wisdom, stored in our bodies, with our Cosmic blueprint.
The full moon on March 18 will prepare us for the invigorating entry into the Spring. Breathe, relax, and prepare for the fresh joys of approaching Spring in the Northern hemisphere. Allow the rays of brightness awaken Love in your heart.
What are the inner processes we need to go through now—while the Sun is visiting the house of Fishes—to assist the dreams to be ready to awake at the end of Winter, on Spring Equinox. Spiritual research, undertaken by Rudolf Steiner, offers us additional guidance. Let’s learn what the Sun, the Moon, and the five major planets have to say as they speak through the vibrations of the stars of Pisces…
How do we plant the seeds now so that the harvest will be bountiful at the end of August? Which inner processes do we need to go through while the Sun is visiting the house of Aquarius from February 16 through March 12? Spiritual research, undertaken by Rudolf Steiner, offers us some guidance. Here are his contemplative words for the mood of Aquarius:
In what is lost, may the loss find itself,
in what is gained, may the gain lose itself,
in what is comprehended, may comprehending seek itself
and sustain itself by sustaining.
through becoming, uplifted to existence,
through existing, interwoven with the becoming,
may the loss be gain in itself!
(Rudolf Steiner’s Pisces verse from Twelve Moods, translated from German by Ruth and Hans Pusch)
“In what is lost, may the loss find itself,” advises the Sun. Always focus on the lessons learnt. There’s gain in every loss. We grow wiser through hardships and challenges. Don’t be discouraged because you didn’t get that “pie on the sky” when you have a nice meal right in front of you.
Venus and Mercury advise: “What feels the lack of bounds, may it create bounds for itself in its depths.” And Venus adds: “In what is gained, may the gain lose itself.” When you do get the piece of that coveted “pie on the sky,” yes, celebrate, but don’t go to sleep. The journey continues after the victory. The success won’t last if you stop the work.
The ever moving Mercury urges you to keep on going: “In what is comprehended, may comprehending seek itself.” Continue to explore the layers of existence. “Why” is the most potent question there is. It’s much easier to be active when we understand why the action is needed.
Mars, of course, is always about doing and persevering: “And sustain itself by sustaining.” Understand the why and then figure out the how. Abraham Lincoln words arise from this line of thinking: “Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then… find the way.”
“Through becoming, uplifted to existence,” encourages Jupiter. We become what we do. We exist through our actions. We lead by example. “Through existing, interwoven with the becoming,” ponders wise Saturn. The existence is active: I am not a static moment, but the continuous process of becoming. I exist in becoming. I am being.
And the ever-changing Moon speaks from her own experience: “May the loss be gain in itself!” What we lose, we gain. The snake sheds its skin in order for the new skin to grow. We die so that we can be reborn. We are born so that we can die. Through the process of death and rebirth, we learn to appreciate life.

The last four weeks of Winter are all about letting go of the old to make space for the new to emerge. Since Winter is the season of feeling, we are to look at emotions in the month of Pisces, and transform them into refined feelings. It’s time to transmute the heavy, lead-like emotions into bright, enriching feelings. Ask the Archangel Uriel to help you in this alchemical process. Take time to notice your pains, anxieties, fears, worries, and see through the shadows that are creating them. Shine the Light to enlighten the shadows. Lift your vibrations so that the lower energies can no longer stick to you. How? Slow down and relax. Breathe. Stay positive. Get enough sleep. Engage in daily spiritual practice of your choice.
Fishes swim together, yet, they maintain their own boundaries. Let’s practice being, living, working with each other while respecting our individual life paths. Establish healthy boundaries. Open up, if you’re too closed in. Weave some veils of protection, if you tend to be too widely available.
Take a few moments every day, or at least once a week to ponder the monthly verse by Rudolf Steiner that I shared above, as well as the weekly verses from the Soulful Sparks of Inspiration. Write down in your journal current sensations that arise in you, and as well as the memories of the experiences you’ve had in the past years during the month of Pisces. Observe if you tend to be ready to jump into the brightness of Spring, leaving the old habits behind. Do you feel nudged to manifest your dreams and give birth to your renewed self in the weeks before the Spring Equinox? Or do you go through some blues as the Winter is departing? The influence of the Piscean energies may be stronger for you if any part of your name contains the consonant N, or if your Sun, Moon, or any of the five main planets in your birth chart, are in the sign of Pisces.
You can deepen this exploration by preparing yourself with the I-A-O harmonious movement meditation and then following with the Eurythmy Esoteric Consonants meditation. Both are available for free by signing to the Marta’s Friends email list. Click here.
A very simple, yet powerful I-A-O (pronounced “ee-ah-oh”) harmonious movement meditation may be useful. The I-A-O movement meditation is the first eurythmy exercise, given by Rudolf Steiner to Lory Maier-Smits in September of 1912 in Munich, Germany. From Hawaiian shamanism, we learn that ‘IAO is the sacred name for the Infinite Light, the Light of the World. The ancient Gnostic text Pistis Sophia informs us that the resurrected Christ and his disciples used the invocation I-A-O to call upon the boundless Light of the Universe. If you’d like to learn the I-A-O exercise, the audio and written guided meditations are available for free by clicking here or on the image below.
Relax, and flow with grace
Begin with a simple eurythmy practice
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I-A-O Harmonious Movement Meditation
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