Be Free and Shine
Gemini and Mercury reflect the Sun’s light in outreaching yellow rays of anticipation. They are both good communicators: Mercury with its quick silver tongue, Gemini with bright enthusiastic exchange of ideas. Throughout the year, yellow vibes are strong every Wednesday, the day of Mercury. And every year between May 20 and June 21, as the Sun passes through the constellation of the Twins, the yellow influence is extra powerful.
The planetary being Mercury, the Messenger, eager to connect the Heavens and the Earth, and the master of coordination, offers us the sense of “I AM” with the sound of “I” (pronounced “ee”). He “provides the forces for capacities of intellect and reason, coordinative knowledge and mental activity,” says Steiner.
The yellow Twins offer humanity the gift of the consonant H as it sounds in “happy” (breathing out) and in “human” (breathing in). Now is the time to let go, be free, and shine. The cosmic being Gemini helps us be aware of our surroundings, like a ship captain, standing at the wheel, observing calm see at the sunrise.

Pay Attention what emotions flare up, as if out-of-the-blue. Take time to process them and become a little more conscious about their underlying reasons. If you manage to stir the ship just right in sudden, unexpected storms, you will acquire new insights and skills for the journey ahead. The keen intellect of Mercury and Gemini, and the steady gentleness of Jupiter are on your side in the process.
The star constellation of Gemini is often called Twins, reflecting the double sided aspect of our nature: conscious and unconscious. They need to know each other. The enlightening yellow helps us see the darker corners of our inner chambers. It’s important to openly communicate with odd creatures of uncomfortable emotions and issues, hiding in various crooks and crannies of our psyche. The compassionate—yet objective—exchange may facilitate our efforts as we are striving for the balance within.

Relax, and flow with grace
Begin with a simple eurythmy practice
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