Aries 2016
Aries 2016: The Excitement of Spring Red is the color of Life, the force of the will to live. The eagerness to be alive, to create, mhm…to procreate, is palpable […]
Aries 2016: The Excitement of Spring Red is the color of Life, the force of the will to live. The eagerness to be alive, to create, mhm…to procreate, is palpable […]
What Stars Dance through the Consonants in Your Name? The energies of the Planets and the Stars influence us every day. Not just through their cosmic dance and relational dynamics, […]
What Planets Vibrate through the Vowels in Your Name? When we speak, the larynx vibrates and emits sounds, which we can hear, but cannot see with earthly eyes. Eurythmy moves […]
Harmonious Re-Connection with Your Highest Self through the Infinite Light of ‘IAO Where does the feeling of being afraid to be hurt come from? Is it because we are all […]
Relax, and flow with grace
Begin with a simple eurythmy practice
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